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In developement - our MVP Mirror

Mirrow will be implyt's first software. It will be able to generate software from input text. It will be able to access sources with the context of the task and the environment. Our MVP is expected to be finished by the end of March.

What is an MVP and a PoC?

MVP stands for Minimal Viable Product. It describes the least complex version of a product that demonstrates the core functionality of the product. With an MVP you can create a POC. That is short for Proof of Concept.

With our MVP we will prove that our vision of creating software via text input is valid and can revolutionize the software market.

Idea behind the MVP

Our MVP will bring us one step closer to AGI! We plan for it to build code faster and more efficiently than humans ever could. We're thrilled to make this tool available to non-programmers, enabling them to build software solely driven by text. The first focus of the MVP will be to generate runnable software.

We have two main objectives for Mirror: to generate code autonomously and to analyze existing code and embed it into the self-written snippets.

Published:byImage of Conrad ScheibnerConrad Scheibner