Speeding up your start-up with self-written MVP's

The challenges of a software start-up
Despite having a dynamic team as a software startup like Implyt, you are facing some difficulties. You need funding to get your business off the ground, so you need investors. With the pure idea of you revolutionizing the market, most investors will not be impressed and thus deny you funding.
So you need to build something to show and tell. Your so-called MVP, your minimal viable product, is the key to validating your idea and and therefore to funding.
So you have spent a lot of time and maybe money building your MVP. The probability that you've got exactly the product that investors want to see and investors want to see and buy is limited. There is a high probability that you will have to adjust key features of your product. And again, the industry asks for a big investment.
What Implyt brings to the table
Implyt gives you the ability to create and customize software by simply requesting our platform. This simply gives you a massive speed advantage over other startups, for example when competing for an accelerator or angel investment.
You can focus much more on building your business and developing your software idea instead of wasting time on coding. Especially in the B2B sector, being the first to market with a working product is crucial to building a recognized and secure market share. On the other hand Accelerators can find their unicorns among startups to invest wisely and effectively.
Impact multiplies the potential of software startups.